A Colorado mountain lake at sunset

2023 Annual Report

To Our Community,

2023 was a year of change for the Colorado Health Institute. Perhaps the most visible change came in June when I was named President and CEO, becoming only the third in CHI’s history. But CHI’s evolution began long before I stepped into this role.

2023 Annual Report cover
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Since our founding in 2002, CHI has filled a need for nonpartisan, independent data and evidence-based analysis to support decision-makers. While our early efforts focused primarily on access to care, our work today encompasses all the factors that influence health. We don’t just provide data; we connect with decision-makers at all levels and help them advance equity and well-being.

In 2023, this meant elevating our partnership and community engagement work. CHI fully committed to this priority by adding bilingual Community Engagement Specialists to our team. These talented teammates have been exploring CHI’s potential to engage in on-the-ground community outreach with a focus on implementing equitable best practices, while reducing the burden on community by better coordinating our outreach efforts. They have been instrumental in advancing our Metro Denver Partnership for Health outreach with partners in the Connected Communities of Care initiative and Mental Health Community Ambassador program.

CHI took a more community-driven approach to the 2023 Colorado Health Access Survey (CHAS) as well, forming community advisory committees with stakeholders in El Paso County and Southern Colorado to learn more about the data they need to inform local health policies. This outreach was in addition to the statewide focus groups and other engagements that help us create the survey. Although this locally informed approach takes longer — pushing the 2023 data release into 2024 — we believe it will lead to more useful CHAS data statewide.

Understanding that CHI’s work needs to be accessible to anyone seeking to improve health in Colorado, we simplified our website and added Recite Me, an on-demand accessibility toolbar that lets visitors customize how they view our site based on their specific needs. Recite Me also translates CHI’s content into 127 languages and provides text-to-speech capabilities in 64 languages.

When I reflect on the changes and achievements of 2023, I am proud of the ways this team has acted purposefully to make our work more accessible and representative of the people and communities we serve. I also know that this is just the beginning of our journey together and look forward to all that we can accomplish in the coming years.

Sara Schmitt, President and CEO

By the Numbers

7 Reports

16 Blogs

9 Eggheads Webinars
(1,000+ participants)

5 Hot Issues in Health presentations

199 Hot Issues participants in person


238 Hot Issues participants online

2023 Highlights

Acclimate Colorado Policy Agenda cover

CHI worked with partners on our Acclimate Action Team to create Colorado’s Health and Climate Policy Agenda, a plan for addressing the health effects of climate change with policy and programmatic solutions. Since its publication, CHI has supported Action Team members as they champion the goals and strategies in the plan. Partner collaborations have included supporting Healthy Air and Water Colorado, Cultivando, Kaiser Permanente Colorado, and the governor’s Office of Climate Preparedness and Disaster Recovery. Director Karam Ahmad now sits on the Environmental Health and Climate Workgroup for the National Network of Public Health Institutes, advising other organizations on how to do similar climate and health work.

Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger logo

With our partner the Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger, CHI built a dashboard that includes local, state, and national data on poverty, food access, food insecurity, food assistance program participation, child nutrition, and public perception around hunger in Colorado. This tool has helped community and state partners benchmark their activities and identify trends, gaps, and opportunities.

"I’m really looking forward to digging into this data to support grant writing,” said one dashboard user. “This data will help put food in bellies.”

Reaching Kids Before the Crisis cover
Solutions to Strengthen Colorado's Youth Mental Health Ecosystem cover

CHI published two reports focused on youth mental health: one covered options for implementing universal mental health screenings in schools and the other identified recommendations to strengthen Colorado’s youth mental health ecosystem. Managing Director Emily Johnson now serves on the Colorado Maternal Mental Health Collaborative and Framework Leadership Team, a cross-sector group providing strategic direction and oversight.

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In partnership with the Colorado Health Foundation, CHI built a comprehensive Local Ballot Tracker that compiled information on city- and county-level ballot questions considered by voters across Colorado before the November election.

MDPH logo

During local events, Metro Denver Partnership for Health mental health ambassadors reached more than 77,000 people with anti-stigma information and the importance of talking to others about mental health. Afterward, 80% of ambassadors reported both that they felt better about talking about their mental health and that they were likely to use the techniques they had learned.

CHI and more than two dozen partners in our Metro Denver Connected Communities of Care initiative worked together to complete four foundational planning documents (implementation, community engagement, accountability, and sustainability) and secure funding to begin implementing a chronic disease use case through the Community-Clinical Linkages for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management project.

Our Partners 

(partial list)

  • Colorado Access
  • Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
  • Colorado Division of Insurance
  • The Colorado Trust
  • Connect for Health Colorado
  • Gary Community Ventures
  • Intermountain Healthcare
  • Kaiser Permanente Colorado
  • Milbank Memorial Fund
  • National Network of Public Health Institutes
  • Partners for Childrens Mental Health
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  • Trailhead Institute
  • University of Colorado Center for Bioethics and Humanities

Our Followers

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Our Website

graphic that shows CHI website traffic in 2023: 92,914 users, 222,432 pages viewed, 68 seconds per view. Viewers used the Recite Me translation feature to translate CHI's website into Arabic, Chinese, French, Hindi, Indonesian, Nepali, Spanish, and Tajik.

CHI Travels for Work

Picture of a Colorado map

CHI’s work took our team across the state as we gathered community feedback. As nationwide thought leaders, we also made presentations and led trainings throughout the country. Locations visited include: 

Colorado: Alamosa, Aspen, Aurora, Brighton, Denver, Centennial, Colorado Springs, Commerce City, Englewood, Fort Collins, Grand Junction, Keystone, La Junta, Rocky Ford. Coast-to-Coast: Austin, Texas; Louisville, Kentucky; New Orleans, Louisiana; Park City, Utah; Seattle, Washington; Washington, D.C.

Our Core Funders

Colorado Trust logo

Read CHI's 2023 Financial Statement