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Lindsey Whittington, CHI’s Data and Analysis Manager, sat down with Denver7 reporter Jeff Anastasio to discuss belonging, findings from the 2023 Colorado Health Access Survey (CHAS), and hurtful rhetoric during Pride month.

Press Release

June 26, 2024 — Belonging Colorado, a special fund at The Denver Foundation, announces the launch of the Colorado Belonging Barometer, a pioneering initiative to measure the sense of belonging among Coloradans. This effort, in collaboration with the Colorado Health Institute (CHI) and Over Zero, marks the first time belonging has been assessed at the state level, providing crucial insights into the social fabric of Colorado communities.

Our Latest

People in personal flotation devices loading into a boat from a dock at a lake
Adaptive Sports and Belonging Boost Mental Health for Dragon Boat Athletes
Over 335,000 Coloradans Couldn’t Work Due to a Disability 
CHI, in collaboration with the African Community Center, created and translated a fact sheet to help refugees in Colorado navigate the complex U.S. health insurance system after their initial Medicaid coverage ends.
El Paso County Health Data Highlights Differences Among Military, Nonmilitary Households
2023 Colorado Health Access Survey
Catch up on some of the latest research from the Colorado Health Access Survey. CHI analysts shared their findings on Coloradans' experiences with telemedicine, reproductive health access, substance use treatment, and oral health.
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