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Lindsey Whittington, CHI’s Data and Analysis Manager, sat down with Denver7 reporter Jeff Anastasio to discuss belonging, findings from the 2023 Colorado Health Access Survey (CHAS), and hurtful rhetoric during Pride month.

Press Release

June 26, 2024 — Belonging Colorado, a special fund at The Denver Foundation, announces the launch of the Colorado Belonging Barometer, a pioneering initiative to measure the sense of belonging among Coloradans. This effort, in collaboration with the Colorado Health Institute (CHI) and Over Zero, marks the first time belonging has been assessed at the state level, providing crucial insights into the social fabric of Colorado communities.

Our Latest

Exterior of the U.S. Supreme Court
Recent Supreme Court rulings have upended the way the federal government oversees health, air quality, and clean water. In this webinar, CHI explores what it all means for Colorado. Guest speakers from the Environmental Defense Fund and Georgetown University help illuminate a way forward for state policymakers.
Colorado’s FAIR Plan and Other Strategies for Resilient Communities
Local government elections have direct effects on their residents, but they often get ignored in the heat of a presidential campaign. The Local Ballot Measure Tracker brings attention to these important questions.
CHAS brief on education
The role of schools in youth well-being.
Among Coloradans 65 and older, 95% were covered by public health insurance programs.  
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