CHI’s Greatest Summer Hits Album

In this morning’s staff meeting, CEO Michele Lueck asked each of us to share the project we’re most excited about for the upcoming summer.

The resulting round robin played out like an infomercial for CHI’s Greatest Summer Hits album. So, in celebration of June 1 and the arrival of (relatively) sunny days here in Denver, we present a sampling of our upcoming summer jams.

Track 1: The 2015 Legislation in Review publication will transport you back in time (four weeks) to this past legislative session with an analysis of the health care bills we watched as well as a look ahead to what we expect to see again next year. To hold you over until its release next week, read our 2015 Bill Tracking List.

Track 2: Think of it as a road trip song. The No Wrong Door implementation plan will travel to four cities across the state this summer. Policy analyst Jefferey Riester and senior analyst Tasia Sinn have been hard at work over the past few weeks getting the plan ready for prime time.

Tracks 3 and 4: Need a song for the kids? Two tracks off of our Summer Hits are for you. Senior analyst Anna Vigran is working on a supplement to the recently released behavioral health integration report that will focus specifically on children. Anna will also be working with Director of Research on Coverage and Access Jeff Bontrager to develop a Colorado Access to Care Index specifically for kids data.  

Track 5: If you’re looking for a background track for your next hike, look no further than “Reaching our Peak 2015.” The annual report uses the familiar imagery of a hiker heading toward the top of a mountain to analyze the impact of policies, programs and politics on statewide efforts to make Colorado a healthier state. Read past reports here.

Track 6: King v. Burwell is a duet you don’t want to miss. The Supreme Court decision on the case is drawing nearer and CHI is gearing up for a quick release analysis following soon after their decision. Read senior communications expert Joe Hanel’s blog from March to get up to speed on the case.

Track 7: Arguably the most highly anticipated single off the album is the 2015 Colorado Health Access Survey (CHAS). The survey is currently in the field with a data release planned for late August. It’s poised to be our greatest hit of the summer, so make sure to follow us on social media for more details on the launch over the next few months. Prepare by reviewing past CHAS reports.