A Handful of Presentations and Welcoming a New Analyst

We may be short one work day, but the Colorado Health Institute has a jam-packed presentation schedule planned. But before we share where we’ll be this week, we want to present our newest team member.

After graduating with a master’s degree in health services research from the Colorado School of Public Health just last Friday, Emily Johnson joined us today as a policy analyst.  Emily previously worked at Planned Parenthood doing data and analysis. We are excited for her to join the team.

On Monday, Senior analyst Anna Vigran kicked off the week of presentations at the Rocky Mountain Colorectal Screening Summit. Anna presented data from the Colorado Access to Care Index, including data on colonoscopies and sigmoidoscopies.

The Safety Net Advisory Committee (SNAC) will meet Thursday at the CHI offices. Director of Community Health Policy Sara Schmitt and Research Analyst Hannah Wear will present on oral health benefits in Colorado’s Medicaid program. The presentation will include data from the February report, Filling the Dental Gap, written by Sara and Hannah. You can find all previous SNAC presentations and agendas here.

Thursday will be a two-presentation day for Sara, who will provide an update on the 2015 Colorado Health Report Card to the Health Childcare Colorado Coalition at the Clayton Early Learning Center. Sara’s co-presenter will be Senior Public Policy Officer Kyle Legleiter of the Colorado Health Foundation.

On Friday, CEO Michele Lueck and Hannah will present to 2040 Partners for Health – a Denver non-profit that works in partnership with the northeast Denver metro area (East Montclair, Park Hill, Northeast Park Hill, Northwest Aurora and Stapleton), the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, and the Stapleton Foundation to advance the health and health care of area residents and employees. Michele and Hannah will provide data on health outcomes in the Denver and Aurora areas to orient a group of Colorado new medical school residents to the health landscape around the Anschutz Medical Campus.

We will release a new Colorado Health Access Survey (CHAS) brief this week on Spanish speakers. Research Analyst Nina Roumell analyzed differences in health status between Coloradans who speak Spanish at home and those who don’t. Look for the paper and a blog later this week. Until then, check out last week’s release of the CHAS brief on barriers to care.

Nina will have another publication this week called Noteworthy Numbers. This monthly paper will highlight notable Colorado health care numbers.

Finally, our annual Legislation in Review publication is in the works. Until then, check out our 2015 Session Health Policy Bill Tracking List. This list is a compilation of all 65 health-related bills we tracked this session and their status as of mid-May.