Legislative Roundup #3: What We’re Watching
We are more than halfway through the session, and our team at CHI continues to track the progress and introduction of health-related legislation. A few notable bills were introduced since last week. Here are bills that we have been paying particular attention to, complete with sponsors, status updates and a brief explanation.
Bills New to Our Roundup (see our last roundup for other bill summaries).
House Bill 14-1051: Developmental Disability Services Strategic Plan
Sponsors: Rep. Sue Schafer (D), Rep. Lois Landgraf (R), Sen. John Kefalas (D), Sen. Larry Crowder (R)
Status: Sent to governor
- Requires the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing to develop a strategic plan to eliminate the waitlist by July 2020 for those with developmental disabilities requesting enrollment into state services and supports.
House Bill 14-1263: Tobacco Products to Persons Under Twenty-One Years
Sponsors: Rep. Cheri Gerou (R), Rep. Beth McCann (D), Sen. John Kefalas (D), Sen. Steve King (R)
Status: Passed House committee, referred amended to House Finance Committee
- Raises the legal age of purchasing and possessing tobacco products from 18 to 21.
House Bill 14-1301: Safe Routes to School Program State Funding
Sponsors: Rep. Diane Mitsch Bush (D), Andrew Kerr (D)
Status: Assigned to House Transportation and Energy Committee
- Appropriates $3 million towards the promotion of pedestrian and bicycle safety in school areas, following the cessation of federal funding for a similar program.
Senate Bill 14-151: Nursing Home Innovations
Sponsors: Rep. Dave Young (D), Sen. Lois Tochtrop (D)
Status: Passed Senate committee, referred to Appropriations
- Stipulates how money from civil penalties on nursing facilities can be used, and regulates how much grant money can be distributed from the fund. Also requires that grant money be used to affect nursing facility residents, either directly or indirectly via staff education.
Updated Status on Bills We’ve Been Watching:
House Bill 14-1045: Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment
Sponsors: Rep. Dianne Primavera (D), Sen. Irene Aguilar (D), Sen. Larry Crowder (R)
Status: Passed House committee, referred to Appropriations
House Bill 14-1108: Copayments for Physical Rehabilitation Services
Sponsors: Rep. Dianne Primavera (D), Sen. Lois Tochtrop (D)
Status: Passed Senate committee, referred amended to Senate floor
House Bill 14-1115: Medicaid Expansion Private Insurance Pilot Program
Sponsors: Rep. Amy Stephens (R)
Status: Failed in House Appropriations
House Bill 14-1253: Recommendations Civil Commitment Review Task Force
Sponsors: Rep. Beth McCann (D), Sen. Linda Newell (D)
Status: Passed House committee, referred amended to House floor
House Bill 14-1288: Student Immunizations Prior to School Attendance
Sponsors: Rep. Dan Pabon (D), Sen. Irene Aguilar (D)
Status: Passed House committee, referred to Appropriations
Senate Bill 14-016: CDPHE Regulate Freestanding Emergency Centers
Sponsors: Rep. Dominick Moreno (D), Sen. Irene Aguilar (D)
Status: Passed Senate committee, referred amended to Senate floor
Senate Bill 14-032: Alternative Health Care Providers Treat Children
Sponsor: Sen. Kevin Lundberg (R)
Status: Passed Senate third reading
Senate Bill 14-050: Financial Assistance in Colorado Hospitals
Sponsors: Rep. Dominick Moreno (D), Sen. Irene Aguilar (D)
Status: Passed Senate committee, referred amended to Appropriations
Senate Bill 14-067: Medical Assistance Program Align with Federal Law
Sponsors: Rep. Jonathan Singer (D), Sen. Irene Aguilar (D)
Status: Signed by Governor
Senate Bill 14-144: Family Medicine Residency Programs in Rural Areas
Sponsors: Rep. Joann Ginal (D), Sen. Jeanne Nicholson (D), Sen. Irene Aguilar (D)
Status: Passed Senate committee, referred to Appropriations
We will continue to monitor the progress of these and other bills. Don’t forget to follow me on twitter @CHI_butcherk for more updates from the Capitol this session.