On the Road Again

It’s all about presentations this week at the Colorado Health Institute. And all about hitting the road.

We have launched Highway to Health 2015. Our goal is to take the findings of the 2015 Colorado Health Access Survey across Colorado. Our analysts will be giving many presentations with localized data.

Want to know about access to mental health care in Mesa County? We can help with that. How about dental insurance in Lamar? Got it. Emergency department use in Colorado Springs? Underinsurance in Gunnison? Problems getting specialist care in the San Luis Valley? Check, check and check.

We encourage you to contact us if you’d like a CHI analyst to visit your community.

Our CEO, Michele Lueck, kicked off the week with a talk in Colorado Springs to Community Health Partnership, a coalition of health care providers working together to improve health. Attendees included senior leaders of Colorado Springs medical and dental associations as well as executive leaders from disability organizations and senior living organizations.

Jamie Smith, the chief administrative officer at Penrose-St. Francis Health Services in Colorado Springs, led the meeting. He will soon leave to become the new president of Saint Joseph Hospital in Denver.

Next up, but staying closer to home, Senior Director for Policy and Analysis Amy Downs and Research Analyst Emily Johnson are talking to the Denver Health for the Mile High Health Alliance.

Policy Analyst Natalie Triedman heads to Colorado Springs for the 2015 Rural Health Conference this Thursday. The conference aims to bring together administrators from Colorado’s critical access hospitals and other health care professionals working in the field of rural health.  Natalie’s presentation is titled “Assessing Early Impacts of Health Reform in Rural Colorado: Data from the 2015 Colorado Health Access Survey.”

Michele will be joined by Policy Analyst Allie Morgan on Thursday in Salt Lake City, where they will share Colorado’s experience with Long Acting and Reversible Contraception (LARC). Their presentation is part of a series of three-day conferences organized by the Milbank Memorial Fund. CHI also will appear in Minneapolis and Nashville over the next month and a half.

Last week, CHI hosted a special joint meeting of the Safety Net Advisory Committee (SNAC) Learning Lab – bringing together the Access to Care track and our Accountable Care Collaborative (ACC) track. The October SNAC Lab was one of the first opportunities to hear from leaders at the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) about Phase II of the ACC. We also provided a sneak peek of the new Colorado Access to Care Index. There will be more details coming out later this month.

Last week was mental health awareness week. In conjunction with this important event, CHI published a new Mental Health Workbook filled with findings from the 2015 CHAS. Click here to dive into the data on mental health in Colorado.

CHI’s Hot Issues in Health Care, now an annual event, is almost full! If you haven’t already, don’t forget to RSVP. The one-day event will feature presentations from CHIers and Dr. Alice Rivlin, the keynote speaker. Other highlights of the conference include a panel featuring Colorado lawmakers, breakout sessions and opportunities for conversation and networking with Colorado’s public health leaders.

Don’t forget that CHI staff is happy to answer any data requests or questions you may have! Feel free to email us at CHAS@coloradohealthinstitute.org