Health Data Compiled for All 64 Colorado Counties

The Colorado Health Institute today released Colorado Local Data Workbooks, a collection of dozens of important health indicators customized for each county in the state.

The Colorado Local Data Workbooks were conceived as a way to measure localized gaps in the health care workforce and to identify potential solutions. However, the data can be helpful in addressing many other access to care topics. The workbooks offer a one-stop shop for crucial numbers about access to health care, from population trends to the number of local providers to the prevalence of chronic diseases. The workbook files also include state-level data, making it easy to compare each county to the Colorado averages.

The Colorado Health Institute assembled data from a variety of sources, including state regulatory agencies, the U.S. Census, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Colorado Health Access Survey. The workbooks can be useful to local public health workers, universities and colleges, advocates and grant writers, who will be able to spend less time tracking down local numbers and more time applying the numbers to their work.

The Colorado Local Data Workbooks will be updated when new numbers become available.