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In the midst of celebrating our state’s record-low 6.7 percent uninsurance rate, it can be easy to forget that this still means that more than 350,000 Coloradans lack health coverage.
A new analysis by the Colorado Health Institute takes a closer look at the state’s remaining uninsured.
Prior to 2013, the percentage of Coloradans with dental coverage hovered stubbornly around 60 percent. But then came the Affordable Care Act and Colorado’s subsequent decision to expand Medicaid and add an adult dental benefit, and boom!
In 2015, every health statistics region in the state reported some degree of churn — a change in a person’s health insurance type or status in the past 12 months.
An Analysis of Enrollment, Costs and Benefits – and How They Exceeded Expectations
The 9-to-5 grind. The night shift. The 40-hour work week that always seems to go beyond. Demanding work schedules are increasingly being cited by Coloradans as a reason they’re not getting the health care that they need.
The percentage of Colorado kids with dental insurance hit an all-time high in 2015. That’s good news — up to a point.
A bright spot of news for these dark winter days: Colorado is chipping away at the percentage of residents who remain uninsured even though they are eligible for the Medicaid or Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) public insurance programs.
Colorado is chipping away at the percentage of residents who remain uninsured even though they are eligible for the Medicaid or Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) public insurance programs.
Network adequacy is moving to the forefront as a health policy issue in Colorado and across the nation.
Recordings and resources from the Colorado Health Institute’s two-part “Making Sense of New Numbers” webinar are available here.