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The 2013 Colorado Health Access Survey (CHAS) shows that 21.5 percent of children on public insurance visited the emergency department for a non-emergency in 2013. This rate is three times higher than emergency department use for non-emergencies by children who lack insurance – a significant difference.
Christmas came a little early for the data nerds here at the Colorado Health Institute with Tuesday’s release of new estimates from the American Community Survey (ACS). For the first time, the Census Bureau’s data includes five-year health insurance coverage estimates for areas as small as Census tracts.
CHI’s newest report – More Dental Insurance: Enough Dental Care? – reveals that Coloradans in 15 counties have limited access to dental care.
Overall, the underinsurance rate rose slightly from 12.8 percent in 2011 to 13.9 percent in 2013. But digging deeper, the findings reveal that location matters in underinsurance.
Connect for Health Colorado has released information about the first Coloradans who have signed up for coverage. The new data offer a glimpse into the characteristics of these Colorado insurance marketplace pioneers. It gives us an early sense of how well the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is performing in our state.
Being new to the team, I didn’t know much about the Colorado Health Access Survey. Nearly two months and 317 data tables later, I now know that this baptism by CHAS fire was the perfect introduction to working at the Colorado Health Institute.
In terms of general health, only 56.8 percent of those who did not complete high school or an equivalent program report excellent, very good, or good health – the best outcomes - in 2013.
The 2013 CHAS reveals that 25 percent – one of four – Coloradans reported experiencing one or more days of poor mental health during the 30 days before the survey.
On October 1, when the state health insurance marketplace opened for business, the Colorado Health Institute identified key questions that we’d be monitoring. Here’s an update on where things stand, 46 days into it.
Nearly three of four Coloradans (69.1 percent) report that the health care system is meeting the needs of their families. However, there are significant differences in perceptions between those with insurance and those without it.