Our Work
CHI’s most up-to-date graphics show drug overdoses in Colorado through 2018
Colorado now has a strategic plan to reorient systems, clinical care, and communities to promote substance use disorder recovery.
Stigma, Not Availability, Blocks Mental Health Care for Veterans
Colorado SIM increased access to integrated health care around the state. But its biggest success might have been the spirit of collaboration it fostered.
Colorado’s First Strategic Plan for Primary Prevention of Substance Abuse
An Analysis of Colorado’s Early Childhood Mental Health Investments.
Our world is not driven by evidence alone. If it were, chronic substance use disorders would be treated like diabetes, everyone would have a primary care provider, and a Flat Earth Truth Twitter handle would not have 8,000 followers. Policymakers should anticipate the politics, context, and values that influence policymaking — especially when it comes to substance use disorders. This session presents a framework to guide the discussions coming in 2019.