We often hear about the importance of a high school diploma for securing a job or obtaining a higher salary. However, the 2013 CHAS results indicate that Coloradans with a high school diploma or equivalent degree also fare better in health outcomes, including mental and oral health, than those who do not complete high school.
In terms of general health, only 56.8 percent of those who did not complete high school or an equivalent program report excellent, very good, or good health – the best outcomes - in 2013. In contrast, 77.0 percent of Coloradans with a high school diploma or equivalent, and a whopping 91.8 percent of college graduates reported this high level of health.
Mental health status and oral health status, both new questions on this year’s CHAS, reveal a similar trend. While 92.2 percent of college graduates and 85.7 percent of high school graduates reported having good mental health, 75.4 percent of Coloradans without a high school diploma said they have good mental health. Excellent, very good, or good oral health, reported by 89.4 percent of college graduates and 72.1 percent of high school graduates, was only reported by 49.8 percent of those without a high school diploma.
You can view more CHAS questions by education status in our new demographics workbook here.