The Colorado Health Institute drew upon a team of a dozen analysts working to determine how federal action — from Congress or the White House — could affect Colorado. Throughout 2017, CHI followed the action in U.S. Congress in real-time, producing new reports, graphics and presentations for new new iteration of bills to repeal the ACA.

Research on the ACA and Proposed Repeal Bills
AHCA Effects on Medicaid
A CHI analysis finds the proposal by congressional Republicans to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) would cause large reductions in Colorado’s Medicaid membership and a huge drop in federal funding for the low-income health coverage program.
What Now?
The 18-day lifespan of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) left many open questions about the future of national health policy, but it also clarified the boundaries of the debate.
ACA vs Republican Replacements: A Matrix (July update)
This graphic shows how the House and Senate versions of the ACA replacement measure up against each other and the law they seek to overturn.
Bipartisan and Pragmatic, but Limited in Scope
A plan by a bipartisan group of governors to stabilize Affordable Care Act insurance markets offers promising ideas, but it's not the long-term answer to the country's health care problems.
Five Band-Aids for the Affordable Care Act in Colorado
Attempts to repeal the ACA have failed — for now — in the U.S. Senate. Here are a few ways state and federal lawmakers can shore up markets shaken by this year's political drama.
Questions and Answers About the Better Care Reconciliation Act
The Colorado Health Institute’s team of experts examines the Senate health bill to project impacts on Colorado.