CHI has launched a new learning laboratory called Tracking Reform Action in Colorado (TRAC) to provide the most up-to-date inventory of efforts underway to track, monitor and evaluate health reform implementation.
March 10, 2023


The Colorado Health Institute has convened a new learning laboratory called Tracking Reform Action in Colorado (TRAC). CHI launched this effort to provide the most up-to-date inventory of efforts underway to track, monitor and evaluate health reform implementation. At the table are researchers, policy makers, advocates and philanthropists who have a stake in how the Affordable Care Act affects coverage, access, affordability, cost and quality. (See below for materials and reports from each lab.)

CHI's goal is to disseminate the information gathered for the labs, as well as the interactive responses from the TRAC Lab members and other attendees. This can be a resource for all interested parties, even those unable to attend the labs.



September 10, 2013 (TRAC Lab #2)

August 20, 2013 (TRAC Lab #1)