The 2013 CHAS provided the baseline for coverage, health care access and health care use in Colorado, a year before the major reforms of the Affordable Care Act took effect. It provides an important point of comparison for subsequent surveys to help to measure whether the goals of health reform – more people with health insurance, more affordable insurance and greater access to health care – are being met.

Supporting Documents
Access to Care
Colorado Health Access Survey
Health Coverage and the Uninsured
Colorado Health Access Survey 2013
A crucial look at health coverage and access a year before implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
October 10, 2013
May 8, 2023
What is the CHAS?
The Colorado Health Access Survey – the CHAS – is the premier source of information on health insurance coverage, access to health care and use of health care services in Colorado. More than 10,000 households in the state have been interviewed every other year since 2009, allowing comparisons across a time marked by sweeping changes in health policy.