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The 2013 Colorado Health Access Survey (CHAS) reveals that approximately 741,000 Coloradans – about one of seven residents - are without health insurance.
Colorado has a powerful new tool to help measure how well the Affordable Care Act is – or isn’t – working. The 2013 Colorado Health Access Survey, which is being released today, is the premier source of information on health insurance coverage, access to health care, and how health care is used in Colorado.
A crucial look at health coverage and access a year before implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
As the clock ticks toward launch of Colorado’s new insurance marketplace, leaders across the state are grappling with plenty of unanswered questions.
An overview of the changes expected as the Affordable Care Act heads toward full implementation in 2014.
The health policy community has been abuzz with this question over the past few days, ever since a Harvard research team released a new round of results from a landmark study of Medicaid in Oregon. What did the results show at the two-year mark of the Oregon research? Here are my top four takeaways.
The Colorado Health Institute released a new fact sheet today on the Medicare Low Income Subsidy (LIS) and Medicare Savings Programs (MSP), part of our ongoing work looking at the resources and supports needed by Colorado’s aging population.
Medicare beneficiaries with low incomes may qualify for federal and state programs that cover all or a portion of Medicare premiums, cost-sharing and prescription drug expenses. But these programs may have varying enrollments.
This analysis delves deeper into the characteristics of the Coloradans who would become eligible for Medicaid.