Unfinished Business: Where Colorado Stands on the Goals of the Affordable Care Act 10 Years Later
These words stand as a reminder that it’s been a long journey to solve the many health care issues Americans face — and that the journey continues today.
In 2010, Congress passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, often called the ACA or “Obamacare.” This ambitious legislation brought the largest change to the American health care system since the introduction of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965.
As we approach the 10th anniversary of the ACA’s passage on March 23, the Colorado Health Institute (CHI) is examining what has been accomplished over the past decade and what work remains to realize the goals of the ACA, including increasing insurance coverage.
Every week for the 10 weeks leading up to March 23, CHI will dive into one research question. Five main objectives of the law will guide this analysis: expanding coverage, reducing costs, emphasizing prevention, increasing consumer protections, and fostering innovation. In addition to impacts resulting specifically from the ACA, these analyses will include relevant policy changes in Colorado intended to move the state closer to the ACA’s goals.
While Colorado has taken many steps forward, it’s clear that there is unfinished business in achieving aims that were set back in 2010.
ACA at 10 Years: Innovation in Data
As the 10th anniversary of the ACA’s passage arrives, the Colorado Health Institute has been examining what has been accomplished over the past decade and what work remains to realize the goals of the ACA.
ACA at 10 Years: Provider Costs
As the 10th anniversary of the ACA’s passage approaches, the Colorado Health Institute (CHI) is examining what has been accomplished over the past decade and what work remains to realize the goals of the ACA.
ACA at 10 Years: Government Costs
As the 10th anniversary of the ACA’s passage approaches, the Colorado Health Institute (CHI) is examining what has been accomplished over the past decade and what work remains to realize the goals of the ACA.
ACA at 10 Years: Consumer Costs
As the 10th anniversary of the ACA’s passage approaches, the Colorado Health Institute (CHI) is examining what has been accomplished over the past decade and what work remains to realize the goals of the ACA.
ACA at 10 Years: Consumer Protections
As the 10th anniversary of the ACA’s passage approaches, the Colorado Health Institute (CHI) is examining what has been accomplished over the past decade and what work remains to realize the goals of the ACA.
ACA at 10 Years: Emphasizing Prevention
As the 10th anniversary of the ACA’s passage approaches, the Colorado Health Institute (CHI) is examining what has been accomplished over the past decade and what work remains to realize the goals of the ACA.
ACA at 10 Years: Employer-Sponsored Insurance
As the 10th anniversary of the ACA’s passage approaches, the Colorado Health Institute (CHI) is examining what has been accomplished over the past decade and what work remains to realize the goals of the ACA.
ACA at 10 Years: The Individual Market
As the 10th anniversary of the ACA’s passage approaches, the Colorado Health Institute (CHI) is examining what has been accomplished over the past decade and what work remains to realize the goals of the ACA.
ACA at 10 Years: Medicaid Expansion in Colorado
As the 10th anniversary of the ACA’s passage approaches, the Colorado Health Institute (CHI) is examining what has been accomplished over the past decade and what work remains to realize the goals of the ACA.
ACA at 10 Years: Colorado’s Remaining Uninsured
As the 10th anniversary of the ACA’s passage approaches, the Colorado Health Institute is examining what has been accomplished over the past decade and what work remains to realize the goals of the ACA.